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Tag: Privately Protected Areas

A Latin American Network for Private and Civic Land Conservation Continues to Take Shape

By Hernan Mladinic and Lily Robinson Seventeen speakers and participants from Latin American nations joined a gathering of 260 conservation leaders from around the world at the fourth International Land Conservation Network (ILCN) Global Congress in Beaupré, Canada, last month. The event marked just over four years since ILCN Regional Representative for Latin America Hernan […]

Fundación Tierra Austral: The Chilean Land Trust Behind a Historic Civil Law Innovation

Lily Robinson – Program Coordinator, ILCN Javiera Yáñez – Director of Development and Communications, Tierra Austral In late 2021, a group of conservationists stepped out of a car in Chile’s Cerro Poqui Nature Sanctuary in the O’Higgins Region of Central Chile, less than two hours south of Santiago. They gazed out over the mountain range […]

Experts Say Private Land Conservation is Essential for the EU to Achieve its Biodiversity Targets. Here’s What Research Shows.

Carolina Halevy – ILCN Regional Representative for Europe, Project Manager at Eurosite Anne-Sophie Mulier – Project & Policy officer at the European Landowners’ Organization Private land conservation (PLC) is an essential part of Europe’s nature and biodiversity strategy. Without it, European Union (EU) nations lack the necessary land to achieve nature and biodiversity targets, as […]

Evolving Conservation for Culture: How Conservation Organizations are Adapting Existing Tools and Approaches to Recognize Indigenous Values, Practices, and Priorities

Cecilia Riebl, ILCN Regional Representative for Australasia As land trusts and conservation organizations across the globe grapple with biodiversity loss and the climate crisis; social inequity and disconnection between people and nature, they are increasingly looking to Indigenous knowledge systems to inform a way forward. Indigenous cultures hold deep knowledge around caring for and healing […]

A Renowned Honda Racetrack Certified as one of Japan’s First OECMs

Shenmin Liu – ILCN Regional Representative for Asia On October 6, 2023, the automotive brand Honda announced that Mobility Resort Motegi—a racing circuit primarily used to promote the brand—was one of the first areas in Japan to be recognized under the classification of Other Effective Area-Based Conservation Measure (OECM). The move is part of a […]

The First China Conservation Biology Conference Highlighted CPAs and OECMs

Shenmin Liu – ILCN Regional Representative for Asia The first China Conservation Biology Conference was held in Guangzhou, China, November 24-17. The event attracted 920 participants, including researchers and conservation professionals from 208 institutions nationwide. It served as a platform for a cross-sector exploration of Civic Protected Areas (CPAs) and Other Effective Conservation Mechanisms (OECMs) […]

In Latin America, the ILCN Ushers in a New, More Robust Network of Conservationists

Lily Robinson ­— ILCN Program Coordinator In Latin America, a new network of private and civic land conservationists is blossoming with the support of the International Land Conservation Network (ILCN) and The Nature Conservancy (TNC). The project, launched by the ILCN in 2023, aims to grow the network’s reach and support of an already rapidly […]

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