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Land conservation requires and depends upon adaptive and ongoing management and stewardship of natural, cultural, and landscape values. In some countries and regions, stewardship and land management are the primary means of protecting land, particularly in the context of working landscapes which feature a ‘mosaic’ of land use and land cover. We explore and share the use of innovative approaches to solving stewardship challenges, and initiatives to support the involvement and participation of land owners, land users, and land managers in land conservation and restoration projects.

Resources & Education

Recent ILCN and external resources related to stewardship and land management.

2024 Global Congress Session Recordings

LS1: Connectivity for Resilience

LS1: Connectivity for Resilience

LS4: Stewarding Lands in a Changing Climate

LS4: Stewarding Lands in a Changing Climate

LS5: Honoring and Elevating Indigenous Roles in Conservation and Stewardship

LS5: Honoring and Elevating Indigenous Roles in Conservation and Stewardship

The Dynamics of Successful Partnerships Between Conservation Organizations and Indigenous Groups

The first of an ILCN Webinar Series on Indigenous Led Land Conservation. Indigenous cultures have stewarded nature for thousands of years but today’s conservation approaches often sideline this knowledge to the detriment of stewardship efforts, Indigenous peoples, and the planet. In the first of a two-part webinar series, we hear from speakers from the United States and Australia about the dynamics of successful partnerships between conservation organizations and Indigenous groups.

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Animating the Carbon Cycle: Assessment of the Potential Role of Pumas, Jaguars, White-tailed Deer, and Collared Peccaries in Controlling Carbon Capture and Storage in Mexican Dry Tropical Forest Ecosystems

This paper by researchers at the Yale School of the Environment explores the role of rewilding as a nature-based solution to climate change. Its results improve our understanding of how restoring specific wildlife populations can enhance carbon sequestration and accelerate ecosystem restoration, focusing on the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico.

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Building a landscape conservation approach: The potential for Regional Conservation and Climate Partnerships in Canada

This working paper reviews the growth of Regional Conservation Partnerships (RCPs) in the United States and the outcomes being achieved by those operating in Canada to determine whether and how these partnerships can support whole-landscape approaches to strengthen and accelerate conservation outcomes.

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Jofre Rodrigo

Executive Director, Xarxa per a la Conservació de la Natura

Anton Gazenbeek

Steering Committee, International Land Conservation Network

Jin Tong

Science Director, The Nature Conservancy China Program

Victoria Alonso

Executive Director, Fundación Tierra Austral

Carolyn duPont

Growth and Partnerships Lead, Upstream Tech

Key Partners and Networks for Additional Resources

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