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September 20, 2016

Webinar: Using USAID’s Applied Political Economy Assessment Framework to Improve Conservation Outcomes

Biodiversity conservation in the context of extractives is associated with the collapse of resource regimes, which occurs as a result of increased pressures on resources from new practices or people. It also can be credited to the political and economic insecurity that arises from criminality, patronage networks and generally from conflict/post-conflict conditions. USAID’s PEA framework provides the structure for analyzing the power and politics behind resource conflicts across scales and sectors.

Integra LLC, a USAID implementing partner, worked with the USAID Bureaus for Africa; Democracy, Conflict and Humanitarian Assistance; and Economic Growth, the Environment, and Education examined three examples of apparently intractable problems in biodiversity conservation linked to extractive industries:

– Illegal artisanal gold mining in Kahuzi-BiĆ©ga National Park, DRC
– Land use and oil and gas development in the Albertine region of Uganda
– Unsustainable fishing pressure in coastal Madagascar

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