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February 12, 2025

Voices for the Land Speaker Series: The Native Land Conservancy

This program is the first of Kestrel Land Trust’s 2025 “Voices for the Land” Online Speaker Series to highlight diverse perspectives on the land, nature, and community.

Indigenous people have been living on and caring for land with intent for thousands of years. We can learn a lot from their long-standing and sophisticated understanding of people’s relationship with their environment.

The Native Land Conservancy (NLC) is an Indigenous-led land conservation organization based in Mashpee, MA. Weaving together natural and cultural preservation, their work builds a sense of place in their ancestral homelands, while providing space to honor the legacies and practices of indigenous people, including their values, customs, traditions, and social structure.

Join this online presentation by Paula Peters of the Native Land Conservancy. Peters, a Mashpee Wampanoag historian, will share an overview of NLC—founded in 2012—and talk about how the organization now holds titles to more than 460 acres of land in Massachusetts, while also assisting tribes nationally with land recovery and conservation.

Paula Peters is an active citizen of the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe. A former journalist, she is an independent scholar and writer of Wampanoag history and contemporary culture. Paula has been a vocal advocate for land and water concerns in Mashpee for many years and was among the founding board of directors for NLC. She currently serves as Communications and Programs Coordinator.


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