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January 24, 2017

Land Trust Alliance Webinar: Land Conservation in a Changing Climate

One of the greatest challenges land trusts face in responding to climate impacts is knowing where to start. A critical first step toward accounting for climate in a land trust’s work is assessing the relative vulnerability and resilience of current land protection priorities using the best science available. By proactively planning for climate’s impacts, land trusts can be more strategic in their planning and investments and advance land protection to help reduce the vulnerability of natural areas, biodiversity, working lands and the human communities that depend on them.

This webinar will provide an overview of the latest science that you can use to help prepare your land trust for a changing climate. Drawing upon examples from land trusts that are moving from science-based conservation planning to on-the-ground change, instructors will present practical strategies for addressing climate change in project selection and planning as well as stewardship planning.

Cost: $65, or purchase an all-access pass for this year’s Land Trust Alliance 30-webinar series for $485.

More information and a link to register are here.

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