Every land trust depends on dedicated supporters to achieve its mission, yet the majority of people responsible for mobilizing and managing volunteers do so without formal training in how to build a cohesive volunteer corps. In this webinar, participants — both paid staff and leadership volunteers — will learn time-tested principles of volunteer management and get practical tips they can apply immediately.
Internationally recognized volunteerism author and trainer, Susan J. Ellis, will cover a range of topics, including:
– How to identify the continuum of supporters that include money and time donors — and the differences and overlap among members, financial contributors, board members and other volunteers, student interns, pro bono services and more
– The 12 Essential Elements of Successful Volunteer Involvement
– Why people do and do not volunteer and how their interests change over time
– The critical importance of designing meaningful volunteer assignments that attract the people you most want
– How to create a communication and feedback cycle to maintain enthusiasm
– How informal, continuous recognition is more effective than banquets and plaques
– How to connect with the wider world of volunteerism: universal trends and issues, finding colleagues in your own community, making use of international, online resources (many oh which are free)
Cost: $65, or purchase an all-access pass for this year’s Land Trust Alliance 30-webinar series for $485.
More information and a link to register are here.