Looking for creative ways to boost your stewardship fund? You aren’t alone! Land trusts are assuming more long term responsibility for the careful management and stewardship of the conservation lands they protect. And yet, stewardship funding can be the most difficult money to raise. Using real-life examples, conservation experts Terrence Nolan from the Open Space Institute and Walter Graf from Appalachian Mountain Club, will discuss how land trusts can generate revenue from fee-owned lands in ways that are consistent with their conservation values.
Participants will learn:
– Strategies for generating stewardship revenue streams through sustainable timber, hunting leases, solar leases and forest carbon offsets;
– How wetlands mitigation funding can finance acquisition and restoration of ecological functions; and
– How the Appalachian Mountain Club has built a network of lodges and recreational landscapes to fund stewardship and build a philanthropic base of donors.
Cost: $65, or purchase an all-access pass for this year’s Land Trust Alliance 30-webinar series for $485.
More information and a link to register are here.