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Land Protection for Flood Resilience: What Role Can Land Trusts Play?

Land trusts in the Northeast and beyond are invited to join the Land Trust Alliance and Open Space Institute for a highly interactive regional discussion on the role that land trusts in the Northeast can play in addressing flooding through science-based conservation planning, targeted land acquisition and other tools.

Freshwater flooding is a growing threat to water quality, human lives and built infrastructure as climate change brings wetter and warmer conditions to the Northeast. Strategic land protection is an effective and cost-saving strategy to mitigate flood impacts to communities, while realizing a host of other benefits for people and nature.

Open Space Institute will share findings from recent research on the range of strategies land trusts are already employing, and land trust practitioners will speak about a selection of these approaches.

Participants will be invited to share their experience and provide feedback on challenges and opportunities in smaller breakout discussions.

This 90-minute session is ideal for land trusts who are interested in learning about data and approaches to more effectively harness land protection for flood resilience and for those already doing this work to learn more, provide feedback and connect with peers.

Attendees will be able to:

  • Connect with other land trusts addressing freshwater flooding
  • Learn about a range of land protection and policy approaches to strengthen flood resilience
  • Share their own work to increase understanding of land trust response in the Northeast 
  • Provide input that informs future trainings and support for land trusts


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