The European Landowners’ Organization together with The Nature Conservancy invite you to join a 2 weeks-long program of online activities to present conservation sites in the US’ Mid-Atlantic region and innovative European case studies. Those 4 webinars will allow you to interact, exchange with key actors and stakeholders from the field.
7 successful and inspiring innovative private land conservation structures in Europe were selected and further analysed. Otto von Arnold from the Tullstorp Stream Project (Sweden / Project structure – Landowners association) & Christophe Lenaerts from the NATO airfield case in Flanders (Belgium/ NGO structure) will participate and answer your questions during this webinar. What is threatening their structure and project? How does it impact their activities? What are the opportunities they can identify in this evolving world? Key actions to survive and adapt were defined for each case and we look forward to share it amongst the community of private land conservation.