Academic communities can be a powerful force for positive environmental change locally and globally. Connecting university researchers with land conservation organisations and managers can leverage the strengths and benefits of each to achieve conservation outcomes. This webinar will focus on efforts underway to understand and foster university/land conservation organisation partnerships. The discussion will include questions such as: What are barriers to and facilitators of such partnerships? What makes a good partnership? When are university researchers best able to answer or address questions for land conservation organisations? When and why aren’t they? What kinds of successful partnerships already exist, and what support exists for those? Panelists will share perspectives from their experiences in the academic community and as land conservation practitioners.
The webinar will be hosted by Jim Levitt, Program Director for Land and Water Conservation at the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, and will be chaired by David Foster, Director of the Harvard Forest at Harvard University. Panelists will include: Marianne Jorgensen, Coordinator for Academics for Land Protection in New England (ALPINE); Nicole Ardoin, Sykes Family Director of the Emmett Interdisciplinary Program in Environment and Resources (E-IPER) in the School of Earth, Energy, and Environmental Sciences at Stanford University; and Lluis Brotons, Senior Researcher at the Ecological and Forestry Applications Research Centre.