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May 25

Free Online Webinar On Landscape Planning In Theory And Practice

This is one of two free webinars (the first will be held on 18th May 2016). The aim of this webinar is to support the application of a landscapes approach to decision-making and development planning. It will last approximately one hour, and consist of a presentation followed by a question and answer session. They will be run in English, and will be recorded and made available online.

Date: 25th May 2015
Time: 14:00 GMT
Presenter: Dr. Louise Willemen, ITC-University of Twente, the Netherlands
Title: Landscape planning in theory and practice

Summary: Landscapes provide a multitude of benefits, or ecosystem services, and are managed for multitude of planning objectives. During this webinar Dr Louise Willemen (ITC-University of Twente, the Netherlands) will give an overview of the state-of-knowledge on landscape planning & decision making. After describing key theoretical concepts and frameworks of landscapes and decision making (What?), Louise will share practical steps to support the implementation of a collaborative landscape planning process, with a special focus on the role of maps in this (How?). These practical steps will include: setting up a collaborative planning team, suggestions for spatial information sources, exercises on ‘spatial literacy’, and a check-list for landscape planning actions. The steps are described in the user’s guide “The Spatial Planning and Monitoring Guide: Maps to Link People with their Landscapes”, which was designed by Louise for EcoAgriculture Partners and Cornell University, to stimulate the use of maps in cross-sectoral collaborations to locate, design and monitor interventions in rural landscapes in developing countries.

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