The fourth annual conference of the EU B@B Platform will address as cross cutting theme the key question: How can businesses set an ambition level when integrating biodiversity into their activities? Should they focus on site level or supply chain measures? Should they adopt a more comprehensive Net Positive approach at site, product and/or organisation level? What can be a useful scale or metric and what models (“blueprints”) to use for the successful delivery of investable projects? These questions will be explored through a series of concrete examples and discussions on the approaches available to businesses.
The conference will also provide:
– An update on key policy developments linked to biodiversity at EU level;
– Three thematic working sessions focusing on natural capital accounting, innovation and finance and biodiversity;
– An update about key tools, support services and financing available to support the integration of biodiversity into business activities;
– Many networking opportunities allowing participants to connect and explore opportunities for collaboration.
More information is available here.