BIOFIN will be hosting a webinar on the Biodiversity Finance Plan.
The Biodiversity Finance Plan (BFP) is the last step of the BIOFIN methodology. The BFP aims to present a coherent and comprehensive national approach to biodiversity finance that encompasses a full suite of finance solutions, well beyond the mobilization of new and additional resources, engaging the public sector, private sector, and civil society. The aim is to produce a nationally validated Biodiversity Finance Plan that proposes steps to implement a mix of finance solutions to expand and improve the country’s biodiversity finance and achieve national biodiversity targets.
The webinar will comprise three different parts:
- Introduction to the CBD-BIOFIN Regional Nodes where the CBD Secretariat will explain the links between BFP and the Financial Reporting Framework (10min).
- Presentation on the BIOFIN BFP methodology (40 min)
- Q&A and discussion session (30 min).
For further information about the webinar please see the full invitation here. For registration, please click here.