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Empowering a Global Community for Land Conservation

The International Land Conservation Network connects civic and private organizations and people, across boundaries and around the world, to accelerate the protection and strengthen the management of land and natural resources.

Connecting Private & Civic Land Conservationists Worldwide

The civic and private land conservation community works across six continents to protect and steward treasured landscapes.

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What Our Partners Are Saying

Dr. Jane Goodall Founder, the Jane Goodall Institute

“I [congratulate you on the work] of the International Land Conservation Network. It’s so exciting to know that [you are convening] people from many countries—from six continents—who care passionately about … conservation. It [is] a brilliant idea to link together private landowners with government agencies and NGOs who all share the goal of preserving the natural world.”

Angelo Salsi LIFE and Eco-innovation Head of Unit, European Commission

“The creation of the ILCN was a conservation milestone. Its example has inspired the establishment of a similar initiative to encourage effective private land conservation across Europe.”

Jon Jarvis 18th Director of the United States National Park Service

“The ILCN and its partners on six continents are key in sustaining momentum for conservation at local, regional, national and international scales. Your patience and persistence, as well as the new paradigms you are exploring for cross-boundary, cross-sectoral conservation initiatives, are vitally important – and the emerging successes being highlighted by the ILCN are a source of inspiration for us all.”

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