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Experts Say Private Land Conservation is Essential for the EU to Achieve its Biodiversity Targets. Here's What Research Shows. 

Carolina Halevy - ILCN Regional Representative for Europe
Anne-Sophie Mulier- European Landowners' Organization

May 7, 2024

The legal frameworks in place in the European Union limit tools for formal private land conservation, thus keeping nations from counting voluntarily protected areas toward goals like 30x30. But as other regions illustrate the legitimacy of private and civic land conservation, Europe is beginning to explore the concept more seriously. Research and the early success of pilot projects suggest a promising outlook for further adoption.

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Sorrow, Love, and Concern Flow Through Katie James' Songs of Lost Rivers and Bountiful Mountains

Lily Robinson – ILCN Program Coordinator 
May 7, 2024

In the Andean mountains of Colombia, one of the most biodiverse nations in the world, lies a small, alternative ecological community called Atlantis. Since the late 1980s, it has fostered a community that reconnects people with land, shedding many of the frills of modernity to embrace a back-to-the-earth lifestyle. There, among organic gardens and free-flowing rivers, singer-songwriter and guitarist Katie James grew up and began her journey as a musician. Her songs explore the deep connection she shares with land, place, and culture. 

This artist profile is one in an ongoing series highlighting the role creative work plays in connecting people with nature and inspiring a culture of stewardship. If you are an artist whose work is inspired by nature and would like to be featured in a future ILCN newsletter, please reach out to We consider visual fine art, photography, poetry, personal essay, music, and other submissions.

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Notes From the Field
The Rise of ReGeCom in Mozambique
By Kiragu Mwangi & José Monteiro
May 7, 20204

The six-year-old collective was born from a concern that communities were not being involved in conservation; today, it has embedded their participation in the nation's frameworks for policy and implementation. 

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Australia Grapples With New Draft National OECM Framework
By Cecilia Riebl - ILCN Regional Representative for Australasia
May 7, 2024

OECMs could be key to Australia achieving its 30x30 goals, of which it is still 60 million hectares short, but the new draft framework falls short of many conservationists' expectations. 

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Voluntary Conservation in Latin America: Challenges and Opportunities
By Samuel Valdez Diaz - Director of Biodiversity Consultant Group
May 7, 2024

Practitioners in Latin America are addressing barriers to conservation in their regions using innovative and replicable strategies that draw on the unique strengths of each nation.

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Comparison of Fiscal, Financial, and Organizational Systems in EU Member States
March, 2024

Qualitative research out of the European Network for Private Land Conservation illustrates the state of private land conservation frameworks in Catalonia, Estonia, France, Flanders, Finland, Italy, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, and Sweden.

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Stacking, blending, transformation
By Harm Schoten - Eurosite
April 11, 2024

Discussions of nature conservation at the European Private Land Conservation Conference in March transcended political divides to bring people together to explore concepts from eco-churches and green cathedrals to the role of farming in land conservation.

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Incubator Viability Report Biodiversity Credits
Sustainable Finance Coalition
April 2024

The results of the Sustainable Finance Coalition's 2023 Biodiversity Credits Incubator show that biodiversity credits are viable within the African context. Its unpublished internal report was released this week on LinkedIn.

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ILCN Accepting Bids for Regional Rep Contracts
The International Land Conservation Network, a program of the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, is seeking bids for contractors for ILCN regional representation. These individuals support the ILCN's outreach to private and civic land conservation organizations in specific geographies and assist us in sharing innovation and good practices around the globe.

We are presently accepting bids for Latin America, Africa, Asia, and Australasia. For more details on the specific scope of work and deliverables expected, please see the regional scope of work documents, linked below.

Submit a Bid
Upcoming & Recent Events
ILCN Webinar: Financing Private Land Conservation in Latin America

Join the ILCN for the second webinar in its two-part series on financing privately protected and conserved areas in Latin America and watch the recording for part one. Panelists explore finance mechanisms used around the globe and their relevance and limitations in the Latin American context and discuss need and challenges for innovation across the region.

May 17, 2024 12:00pm-1:30pm (ET)- online
Bootcamp: 2nd European Conservation Finance Bootcamp
This five-day training session will bring mid-career professionals together to explore innovative and effective financing strategies for land and resource conservation, restoration, and stewardship in Angofa, Romania. The bootcamp is hosted by Fundatia ADEPT and Eurosite as part of the project LIFE ENPLC. 

May 13-17, 2024 - Angofa, Romania
Study Tour: Visitors Centre Study Tour
Eurosite, Natuurmonumenten, and Natuurpunt partner to present this study tour of visitor centers and entrances to nature across Holland and Flanders. The group will discuss issues of receiving visitors and keeping a balance between nature and recreation. It will facilitate a lively exchange of ideas and practical experiences that bring together experts in nature and recreation from all of Europe. 

May 28-30, 2024 - Holland/Flanders
Conference: Africa Conservation Forum (ACF)
This forum, convened by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), is a leading regional platform for influencing sustainability agendas and biodiversity conservation. It seeks to amplify African voices through plenary and thematic sessions, side events, IUCN member-focused sessions, poster exhibits, a youth forum, and more.

June 24-28, 2024 - Nairobi, Kenya
Conference: National Private Land Conservation Conference (PLC24)

The Australian Land Conservation Alliance (ALCA) will host its eighth annual Private Land Conservation Conference in Sydney this fall. PLC24 will continue to explore opportunities to scale nature investment, to address declining environmental conditions and the rapidly approaching target to deliver on commitments as a signatory to the Global Biodiversity Framework. The event offers a pivotal point of reflection on the solutions being delivered by the private land conservation sector, in partership with its vast network of landholders, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander land managers, and government and private partners. 

October 11, 2024 - Sydney, Australia
Conference: Eurosite 2024 Annual Meeting
Join Eurosite for its annual meeting, which will consist of two workshop days and a third field excursion day. Participants can choose from workshops within four thematic areas: policy, finance, management, and action. 

Oct. 22-24, 2024 - Durham, England 
Call for Creative Content
The ILCN is looking for submissions of artistic work with a connection to land and land protection to feature on our website and in upcoming newsletters. We are open to poetry, short stories, personal essays, visual art, music, and more. Submissions can be sent to Lily Robinson at Please include a short description of the relationship your piece shares with land, nature, or the environment. 
We are excited to share stories from ILCN members. If you have a successful conservation initiative, story, event, or webinar to share, then please contact us at
The mission of the International Land Conservation Network is to connect organizations and people around the world that are accelerating voluntary private and civic sector action that protects and stewards land and water resources. 

Learn more at
ILCN Website
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