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Water Woman: Marion Stoddart's Crusade to Save One of America's Most Polluted Rivers

Lily Robinson - ILCN Program Coordinator

July 10, 2024

In the 1960s, a plot of land along the Nashua River was worthless. The waterway stank and changed color by the day, depending on what the corporations along its banks were disposing of. The only lifeform resilient enough to survive in the toxic waste oozing through it were sludge worms. But today, the Nashua—once among the nation's 10 most polluted rivers—flows clean. Children play by its banks, hikers traverse adjacent trail systems, and a 96-year-old woman canoes through its shade-cooled waters, indulging in the miraculous results of a lifetime of work she put in, defying legal and cultural adversity to clean and protect a watershed that others had lost hope in.

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 Fundación Tierra Austral: The Chilean Land Trust Behind a Historic Civil Law Innovation

Lily Robinson – ILCN Program Coordinator 
Javiera Yáñez - Director of Development and Communications, Tierra Austral

June 27, 2024

In Chile, thousands of acres of some of the world's most at-risk ecosystems are protected using the Derecho Real de Conservación, or real right to conservation, but less than 10 years ago, Latin American countries had no secure mechanism to protect private land. 

Latin America was not alone. Across the globe, the structure of Civil Law legal systems pose challenges for private land conservation. But in the early 2000s, North and South American conservationists, lawyers and legal scholars, politicians, and others came together to make a small but mighty linguistic change that revolutionized land protection in Chile and opened doors across the world for others to follow suit.  

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Notes From the Field
Back From the Brink: Reversing Species Loss
By Cecilia Riebl
July 10, 2024

When the sun sets over the research and conservation center Mt Rothwell, 50 km from Melbourne, Australia, life begins to emerge from every corner. The species at home there are part of thriving populations but just years before, many of them were declared extinct. 

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Stories of Hope Emerge at Siwu Nature Park Conference
By Shenmin Liu
July 10, 2024

Four inspirational accounts of conservation success gave young people reason to persevere in the face of mounting adversity at the conference Protecting Biodiversity: Young People in Action, held in Hangzhou, China, on May 24. 

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EarthAcre: Transforming Community Lands with Tech and Indigenous Knowledge
By Kiragu Mwangi and Patita Nkamunu
July 10, 2024

In Kenya, a conservation technology company is redefining land protection by exploring how tools can complement unique insight and strategies of local communities to care for land. Its framework makes success measurable and ensures that the majority of benefits go back to communities. 

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Shaking Hands With the Private Sector: 2nd European Conservation Finance Bootcamp
By Hans von Sonntag
June 13, 2024

Co-funded by the LIFE programme and the ILCN, this year's event convened mid-career professionals in-person in Romania for a deep dive into the ever-relevant topic of securing funding for nature conservation.

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What Progress Has Been Made on Australia's Nature Repair Market?
By Lily Robinson
June 18, 2024

"Considerable work still needs to be done to create the necessary certainty for the private sector to invest," said ALCA Chairperson Victoria Marles.

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The Challenges of Invasive Species Control
By Margo Morrison 
June 27, 2024

The global conservation community has identified invasive species management as a focus area for improving biodiversity outcomes by 2030, but what does that work look like in action? For the Nature Conservancy Canada, it's a multi-pronged approach.

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Upcoming & Recent Events
Online Meeting: Eurosite-ELCN Agriculture, Biodiversity and Climate (ABC) Working Group

Farmers, conservation practitioners, and researchers are welcomed to join a pair of upcoming meetings virtually to explore two recent projects piloting innovation at the intersection of farming and conservation. The first meeting will feature a presentation on the Cow for Climate project, which applies nature-based solutions to improve the climate resilience of dairy farming in the Bavarian Alps. The second will present the Hungarian DEDES project, which created habitats on a pilot farm that were then maintained by grazing animals. It will discuss aspects of rewilding, financial benefits, and responsible eco branding. Final dates are still being determined.

August 27 (tentative, time TBD) - Virtual
September (day and time TBD) - Virtual

For additional information or direct invitation, please email Zsofia at
ALCA Private Land Conservation Conference 2024 (PLC24)
The Australian Land Conservation Alliance's (ALCA) annual conference is a vital platform for exploring barriers and opportunities to accelerate and expand nature action and finance. This year's theme is Nature Now: Action for People and Planet and is an opportunity to reflect, network, showcase, collaborate, and advance solutions that enable people and communities to protect, manage, and restore nature on privately managed land, at scale. 

PLC24 will be delivered as a two-day program of workshops, plenaries and concurrent sessions with an exciting line-up of Australian and international speakers.

Earlybird registration through August 30. 

 ILCN Webinar Recording: How OECMs in China, Japan, and Korea Can Contribute to Achieving 30x30
Other Effective Area-Based Conservation Measures (OECMs) emerged in response to the need to recognize diverse approaches to achieving conservation outcomes. This concept was first introduced in the Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) in 2010 and is further emphasized in Target three of the new 2030 GBF. OECMs refer to land stewardship and management strategies beyond protected areas that directly or indirectly safeguard biodiversity as well as the cultural, spiritual, and socio-economic values of local communities. This webinar features an overview of progress on OECMs in China, Japan and the Republic of Korea. Speakers share criteria for designating OECMs and lessons around emerging good practices.
The EARA Seeks Farmers to Join Proof-of-Concept Study
The European Alliance for Regenerative Agriculture (EARA) is looking for farmers from across all of Europe to participate in its pilot project and proof-of-concept study to gather evidence to design fair and simple payments for a future Common Agricultural Policy. It is looking for at least 150 farmers currently engaging in forms of nature-friendly farming to complete a 30-60 minute survey by the end of August, 2024. Participants will receive free photosynthesis and soil-cover data on their farm, obtained using satellite imagery. 

For more information, contact Simon Kraemer at
Call for Artists
The ILCN is looking for submissions of artistic work with a connection to land and land protection to feature on our website and in upcoming newsletters. We are open to poetry, short stories, personal essays, visual art, music, and more. Submissions can be sent to Lily Robinson at Please include a short description of the relationship your piece shares with land, nature, or the environment. 
We are excited to share stories from ILCN members. If you have a successful conservation initiative, story, event, or webinar to share, then please contact us at
The mission of the International Land Conservation Network is to connect organizations and people around the world that are accelerating voluntary private and civic sector action that protects and stewards land and water resources. 

Learn more at
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